Social Anxiety Disorder
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What Is Social Anxiety Disorder?
We all experience social situations where we may feel fear and apprehension. Its absolutely normal to feel nervous about speaking in front of a large group, or even in front of a small group. And many of us feel shy or awkward when placed in unfamiliar social circumstances. However, for some people, these mildly nerve-wracking moments become debilitating episodes, resulting in extreme anxiety, panic attacks, or even avoidance of the event. In these cases, the anxiety is so overwhelming that it can interfere with the normal functioning of ones life. People who suffer from a debilitating level of anxiety in social situations are said to suffer from social anxiety disorder.
What Is Social Anxiety Disorder?
We all experience social situations where we may feel fear and apprehension. Its absolutely normal to feel nervous about speaking in front of a large group, or even in front of a small group. And many of us feel shy or awkward when placed in unfamiliar social circumstances. However, for some people, these mildly nerve-wracking moments become debilitating episodes, resulting in extreme anxiety, panic attacks, or even avoidance of the event. In these cases, the anxiety is so overwhelming that it can interfere with the normal functioning of ones life. People who suffer from a debilitating level of anxiety in social situations are said to suffer from social anxiety disorder.
Social anxiety disorder is the third largest mental health care issue in the world. In the US, it affects roughly seven percent of the population at any given time. Social anxiety disorder may be triggered by such events as meeting new people, public speaking, being observed while performing a task, being the center of attention, or being teased or criticized. This illness is equally common in both men and women. People who suffer from social anxiety disorder are terrified of being ridiculed or causing themselves embarrassment. Physical symptoms associated with this disorder include heart palpitations, faintness, blushing and profuse sweating. These symptoms often lead the sufferer to avoid social situations.
Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder
The symptoms of social anxiety disorder include heart palpitations, shaking, profuse sweating, diarrhea, confusion, nausea, stuttering, and blushing. Blushing is a common reaction for many people when they are startled or embarrassed. But for people who suffer from social anxiety disorder, blushing is a further source of humiliation. This condition is also linked to low self-esteem, as people who suffer from it tend to be very sensitive to criticism and rejection and have difficulty asserting themselves.
Anxiety is a normal physical reaction to stress. However, a person with social anxiety disorder generally experiences chronic and recurrent episodes of anxiety whenever a social situation arises. In most cases, the sufferer is well aware of the intensity and over reaction of his or her symptoms, and feels that others will ridicule or judge her because of them. This only makes them more terrified of the social occasion. Most people who suffer from social anxiety disorder will go to extremes to avoid social situations.
Do I Have Social Anxiety Disorder?
The most common fears associated with social anxiety disorder include the fear of public speaking, the fear of meeting new people, and the fear of talking to strangers. People who suffer from social anxiety disorder may feel anxiety when performing in social settings, such as eating or drinking in public. Sufferers may fear more than one type of social setting. Here are a few questions to ask yourself if you think you may suffer from social anxiety disorder:
1. Do you avoid doing things with other people because you are afraid of embarrassing yourself or people judging you?
2. Are you terrified of being the center of attention?
3. Do you avoid or become anxious in social situations where you may have to meet and/or speak with strangers?
What Can I Do About Social Anxiety Disorder?
Its so difficult for a person with social anxiety disorder to reach out for help, but even making a small effort, like reaching out to a trusted friend or family member can start you on the road to recovery. Next follow these steps to help you reclaim your life:
Learn everything you can about social anxiety disorder. There is a ton of information in the library and online to help you better understand your symptoms and the situations that trigger anxiety. The more you know about the condition, the more you will be able to understand and control your symptoms. Go to:
Dont be discouraged. Some people may try to tell you to get over it and get on with your life. But social anxiety disorder is not something you can just put behind you. It will take effort and persistence on your part to make progress.
Consider joining a support group for people with social anxiety disorders. It may be difficult to envision yourself in this social situation but you will gain positive enforcement and support from other people who are experiencing the same feelings that you are.
Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder
Therapy: Behavior therapy may help sufferers learn to control their anxiety in social situations and reduce their anxiety that leads up to a frightening event. This type of therapy is very effective in alleviating the symptoms of social anxiety disorder although it is quite time consuming and requires significant effort from the patient.