Immediate Anxiety Relief

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dealing With Anxiety and Panic Attacks

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Defined as a period of intense distress or fear, an anxiety or panic attack typically surfaces quickly and may last for 20 to 30 minutes. Most commonly, however, they only last for several minutes unless the occurrence was very traumatic for the sufferer. Common symptoms of an anxiety and/or panic attack include a shortness of breath, rapid heart palpitations, shaking, sweating, a feeling of nauseousness, dizziness and hyperventilation. The sufferer often feels as if they are choking or being smothered, which causes a gasping reflex.

Individuals who suffer from frequent or unprovoked anxiety and panic attacks may also be suffering from a panic disorder. Not only that, but individuals who suffer from these regularly are often victims of a phobia that ultimately cause the anxiety and panic attacks.

The first step to treating anxiety and panic attacks is to get the victim away from whatever it is that caused the onset. If the individual suffers from a phobia, remove them from the situation immediately. If it is an argument that caused the occurrence, the sufferer should leave the room or area in order to refrain from being further upset. Random anxiety and panic attacks that are caused by direct and obvious events are not usually worrisome. If they continue frequently or without cause, the patient may need medical intervention.

The medical treatments involved in aiding a patient who suffers from anxiety and panic attacks may include therapy sessions or behavioral studies. Medications can often be used, but it is recommended that individuals deal with their problems without becoming reliant on medication if at all possible. Natural treatments include keeping a daily journal or activities and emotions in order to allow the individual to release their feelings onto paper, breathing exercises and, in some cases, induced anxiety and panic attacks to help the sufferer learn to cope with their fear or emotion.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only. It should not be used in place of, in conjunction with or instead of professional medical advice regarding the diagnosis and/or treatment of anxiety and panic attacks. If you or someone you know suffers from these frequently or without cause, you should consult a physician in order to receive a proper diagnosis. At that time, the doctor will make a determination of which, if any, treatment method should be used in order to treat and prevent the occurrence. Individuals should not attempt to cure their anxiety and panic attacks without proper medical care.

The author is a regular contributor to 4 Less Anxiety where more information about anxiety and panic attacks is available.

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