Immediate Anxiety Relief

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Got A Social Anxiety Problem?

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Social anxiety is particularly common in our society. It is estimated that up anywhere around 20% of the adult population is affected by some form of anxiety, including social anxiety, at some stage in their lives. The good news is that social anxiety is a disorder that can often be successfully treated.

There are a range of treatments available for sufferers of anxiety in it?s various forms. These include counseling, medications of various types and a whole panoply of relaxation techniques and other remedies. These can sometimes successfully include herbal remedies.

These can be complimented with dietary changes, the inclusion of exercise into the lifestyle and sometimes additional vitamin supplements to offer the possibility to sufferers of any one of the dozens of types of anxiety of a full recovery.

Many of the herbal anxiety remedies help to reduce stress and induce relaxation. These can include the use of Kava Kava and Chamomile, skullcap, Siberian Ginseng and Valerian root.

Chamomile is often used as a relaxant. It can be brewed and taken as a tea, or else it can be added to bathwater and a long and sooting bath taken. Jasmine can also be used as a relaxant in bathwater with great success.

There are many different types of herbs which can be useful in relaxing anxiety sufferers. This relaxation can help them in their quest to overcome their affliction, and combined with other remedies as described above, can be extremely successful.

However it is always important to consult a qualified herbalist before using any form of herb as a treatment, just as it is important to consult a doctor for specific medical problems. And always use any recommended product exactly as instructed.

Anxiety can have some severe effects on the immune system as a result of the stress felt from the anxiety attacks. Often this can be alleviated somewhat the addition of various vitamin supplements to the diet. It is extremely important that the anxiety sufferer maintain a strong immune system.

It is also important to ensure that the person maintains a good nourishing diet. This will also impact the immune system and help it to remain in good order. And paying attention to reducing certain foodstuffs in the diet can also be beneficial. For example it is well worthwhile to reduce the intake of caffeine and refined sugar. This will help reduce the incidence of specific anxiety attacks.

Moderate physical exercise as often as possible is often recommended to help reduce the incidence of stress and give the individual a physical outlet for any symptoms of stress he or she may be experiencing.

And it is also well worthwhile considering a new and relaxing hobby, perhaps one like yoga, to help maintain vitality and physical relaxation.

Anxiety can be overcome. It takes some effort and will power, and often some professional help. But anxiety need not be a life sentence.


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