Immediate Anxiety Relief

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Anxiety Treatment

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Anxiety disorder can affect a persons ability work and lead a normal life, more often the person, who is suffering from anxiety, needs a proper treatment to cure the malady. Recovery is definitely possible with correct diagnosis and timely treatment. Before prescribing any treatment, you'll need to identify the real cause of anxiety and its various forms. Currently, anxiety disorders have been categorized into six main groups based on the type of anxiety and its effects:

1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

2. Post Traumatic Anxiety Disorder

3. Obsessive Anxiety Disorder

4. Panic Disorder

5. Social Anxiety Disorder

6. Special Phobias related Anxiety Disorder

Whatever the type of anxiety disorder, one thing is absolutely certain: anxiety disorders invariably affect a persons ability to lead a normal life. They also affect a person's innate ability to work and perform even ordinary functions. Anxiety disorder often creates economic hardship and family discord, leading to total turmoil in personal life.

Recovering from repeated bouts of anxiety disorder could take a long time, which often involves a serious rehabilitation program. To suggest a definite remedy for any type of anxiety disorder is very difficult, as the conditions and symptoms vary to a considerable extent among patients. Though there are several types of anxiety treatment available now, recovery is only possible with a combination of exposure therapy, attention training, and a host of other anxiety management techniques. Many times, the treatment starts with the patient himself; knowing more about the disease itself, is the first real step in the treatment cycle.

Anxiety treatment also involves various relaxation and correct breathing techniques, and such techniques help patients to be physically alert and mentally at ease. Relaxation techniques include: Progressive muscle relaxation, Meditation and Abdominal breathing. Meditation helps patients with anxiety, to focus on certain things with attention, while abdominal breathing assures an increased oxygen supply to the blood. A complete diet with adequate supply of magnesium, vitamins and other trace minerals will help muscle to relax and reduce the outbreak of anxiety, depression and insomnia.

Anxiety treatment may also include increasing self esteem in the personality of the patient. People with anxiety disorder usually have very low self-esteem and self image. Feeling useless and inferior can make the anxiety worsen among patients. The factor of low self-esteem may also be related to the level of the anxiety disorder in patient's life.

Two of the most recommended therapies are, cognitive and behavioral therapies and patients usually find relief from the anxiety related symptoms by using such techniques. Cognitive therapy usually focuses on changing ways of thinking and inferior beliefs, which usually trigger the onset of anxiety. On the other hand, behavioral therapy or exposure therapy includes intentionally confronting patients' fears and misgivings in order to desensitize or deactivate them. Repeated and consistent exposure enables patients to train themselves to describe the scary or fear part of the malady.

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