Immediate Anxiety Relief

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Condition of Anxiety

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We have all experienced the sensation of being "called into action" by nervousness. It creates an increased feeling of excitement and it acts to heighten our realizations. Nervousness is a normal condition that serves to make us more aware and focused.

Anxiety differs from nervousness because it often occurs for no apparent reason and is persistent. It does not promote positive response to circumstance. If not recognized and dealt with effectively, anxiety will interfere with daily life and may even become chronic.

Anxiety may lead to avoidance of places or situations where it has occurred. This includes avoidance of any similar circumstances due to a process of negative association. The effect of this kind of association to the experience of anxiety can severely distort an individual's decision-making abilities. The perceived risk of having another attack may even prevent them from engaging in beneficial activity.

In an attempt to understand what anxiety is, or why it has occurred, a person may repeatedly go to an emergency room or see several doctors. Some people may go for years without understanding what they are experiencing and live in constant fear as a result of their own unknowingness.

Some of the most well known classifications of anxiety include; Panic Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsiveness, Post-Traumatic Stress and various Phobias. The following will provide some insight into these classifications.


Panic is a feeling of terror and is often referred to as an "attack." A person who experiences this type of anxiety may report any or all of the following symptoms:

* A pounding heart
* Feeling sweaty, weak, faint or dizzy
* Tingling or numbness of their hands
* Flushed or chilled sensations of their body
* Nausea
* Chest pain
* Smothering sensations
* A sense of loss of reality or control
* Fear of impending doom
* Thoughts that they are experiencing a heart attack
* Feeling as though they are losing their mind
* Fearing that they are on the verge of death


A person dealing with Obsessive-Compulsiveness feels unable to control their thoughts, urges or activities. The term Obsessive refers to the disturbing thoughts or images while Compulsiveness refers to the behaviors or rituals performed. Some examples of this type of anxiety include:

* Being obsessed with germs, causing a person to repeatedly wash their hands
* Frequent thoughts of violence, causing a person to fear that they will harm others
* Spending long periods of time touching things or counting
* Being pre-occupied by order or symmetry
* Having persistent thoughts of performing sexual acts that they find repulsive
* Having thoughts that are against their religious beliefs

Post Traumatic Stress:

Post Traumatic Stress is associated with an event that the individual has experienced. A person may have persistent frightening thoughts and memories of the event. They may feel emotionally numb toward people they were once close to. This type of anxiety may also include any or all of the following:

* Nightmares and disturbing recollections
* Sleep problems
* Feelings of detachment
* Being easily startled
* Loss of interest in usual activities
* Difficulty with affection
* Irritability
* Aggressiveness or even violence
* Avoidance of certain places or situations that could trigger memories


Phobias are a type of anxiety that are experienced as overwhelming and excessive fear. Phobic reactions include:

* Uncontrollable fear
* Profuse sweating
* Trembling
* Nausea
* Difficulty talking
* Fatigue
* Headaches
* Muscle aches
* Difficulty swallowing
* Irritability
* Hot flashes
* Lightheadedness
* Inability to concentrate

Help with Anxiety:

Many people suffering with anxiety can benefit by sharing their problems with others. This can be accomplished by talking with friends or attending support groups. There are many professionals who can help. Involvement with a like-minded online community would also be beneficial, as it would allow for an avenue of self-expression. It would also help to decrease one's sense of isolation. In addition to certain medications, which may be prescribed for the treatment of anxiety, learning how to relax and meditate can help improve coping ability and provide increased feelings of self control.

Nicole D. Huff, R.N. is the founder of Current Day LLC, a holistic health organization. She is also the site administrator of CurrentDay Health & Healing. A community based web site dedicated to providing individuals with holistic health and healing support, advice and information. Visit the site today at

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