Immediate Anxiety Relief

Friday, February 29, 2008


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Are you tired of feeling anxious in life? Do things bother you or make you feel nervous and you want to change? If you struggle with panic and anxiety attacks, you are certainly not alone. Typically, anxiety creates what is called a "fight or flight" response, which means the body releases hormones to help you deal with or escape the situation. Most often, you would experience things like rapid heartbeat, fast breathing, tense muscles, and a sick feeling in the stomach. What most people do not realize is that this fight or flight response within the body is something we can activate.

For example, if you had recently accepted a new job and you know Monday morning the day you start is just around the corner, you might begin to experience some or all of the symptoms associated with anxiety. Your stomach may begin to knot up, your head hurts, you breathe fast, and you feel simply miserable. Whether your anxiety is caused by a new or old situation, it can be devastating. In fact, anxiety for many people becomes so intense that managing a relationship, raising children, owning a home, or maintaining a job is a serious challenge.

Just as anxiety can control aspects of your personal life, it can also cause problems in how well you perform in your job. Perhaps you have a position of public speaking or performance. While you love your job and do well, you find periods when your face becomes flushed, the palm of your hands sweat, and you can feel your entire body tensing up. This too is anxiety, which is difficult to manage. Although you do well in your job, hypnosis can teach you how to do great in your job. In other words, for people struggling with anxiety, they are being held back from reaching full potential.

The good news is that hypnosis can help in a number of ways. Remember, anxiety comes in many different shapes. For instance, panic disorders are so severe that a person might feel as if he or she is having a heart attack and dying. Anxiety attacks are not quite as severe but they too create intense worry and concern. With hypnosis, the subconscious mind is retrained how to handle situations that might create the sense of anxiety. You will learn to be more confident, learn how to relax better, and gain a much better handle on challenging situations.

One type of anxiety that is common is known as social anxiety. With this, you might have an overwhelming fear of being in public or social situations. If you deal with this type of nervousness, you would find yourself turning down opportunities for parties or other social gatherings. Then in situations when you are around people, you feel embarrassed, at a loss for words when approached. Obviously, this is no way to live. Typically, nervousness such as this is debilitating but again, hypnosis can give you back control through self-confidence and understanding.

Other forms of anxiety where hypnosis can make a significant difference include Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and special phobias. For PTSD, you might have experienced something traumatic in your life whereby you now have nightmares or flashbacks. For example, survivors of 09/11, people who have lost a loved one in a car accident, or individuals who served in war are all prime examples of PTSD. For special phobias, this could include anything from a fear of animals to fear of flying to fear of spiders. Regardless, in both cases, you have lost control over your life but hypnosis is an excellent tool for giving you back control.

The type of hypnosis used and the longevity of treatment depend on the individual and the area of concern. However, by working with a qualified hypnotist or hypnotherapist, you will make improvement and be amazed at how much more enjoyable life can be. Typically, three to five hypnosis sessions will be enough for you to see a noticeable difference. Soon, you will not be nearly as anxious as you once were and eventually, not anxious at all. Just imagine the freedom to live again without fear, nervousness, or anxiety - hypnosis will give you all this and more.

Tony Robinson is a firm beliver in hypnosis. He is also a Webmaster and International Author. Visit for his tips on hypnosis

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