Immediate Anxiety Relief

Monday, March 31, 2008

Rely on personal loan for your anxiety.

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Life is unpredictable and unforeseen. We often go through a tough time due to our financial instability. This is where we require money to lead our life without worries. Personal loan can sort out all your difficulties. Personal loan is designed to cater to your personal as well as business needs. Now you can get rid with all your worries of bad debts. Personal loan can help to wave off bad debts. In addition to this, you can go for home renovation or buy a car or use the amount for wedding purpose, education expenditure just to name a few of its multiple uses.

Personal loan is divided in to two main categories- secured personal loan and unsecured personal loan. These two loans differ from each other. In secured personal loan, you are required to offer your property as a security to the lender. You have low interest rate and small monthly payments. Where as there is a risk losing the property, if you fail to pay the loan money back. You can borrow a large amount, as you are offering your property as collateral.

In Unsecured personal loan there is no risk to your property because you are not required to offer anything as collateral but you bear high rate of interest and short repayment duration. This loan is taken for short duration of time.

Personal loan is also given to people with adverse credit. Earlier they were rejected because of their poor history, but now things have changed. They are offered loan by different creditors but at higher rate of interest. Personal loan has the solution for every one.

Internet is the right option to look for more information. You can find lot of information if you make a thorough search. Make yourself comfortable with all the facts and figures of personal loan.

The author is a business writer specializing in finance and credit products and has written authoritative articles on the finance industry. He has done his masters in Business Administration and is currently assisting Personal Loans as a finance specialist. For more information please visit:

online personal loans, secured personal loan, bad credi

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Test Your Anxiety Response

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Worries and anxieties are part of our life. The difference between us is our response to any event. The cause may be common, but the response may vary widely. Some anxiety and worry is good. Otherwise we cannot save ourselves. Fear is one of our defense mechanisms. It is fear of death that stops us walking on a highway. Fear, worry and anxiety are related. Let us examine and quiz ourselves about our anxiety response. Too much anxiety can stop us from working. How to quiz ourselves about our anxiety response? Let us find out.

We are said to feel anxiety when we are apprehensive about future and fear what may happen. All of us experience lot of anxiety when we are to go for a surgery. Such events create maximum anxiety. Should every situation make us feel anxious? The answer is no. Are you an anxious person? Do you experience more anxiety then your friends in the same situation? If yes, it is time that you rethink about yourself.

Quiz yourself about anxiety. For example, you may to get up early than usual and reach for a very important appointment or work. Few of us will have no anxiety about that, but some of us will not be able to fall asleep because of anxiety. They are worried that they may not get up early and not reach in time. This anxiety causes more damage than benefiting us. Such common anxiety must be eliminated. Quiz yourself about different situations and compare your anxiety response with others. If you are responding with higher level of anxiety, reduce it with conscious effort. Try this fun quiz to know about your anxiety and other personality traits. Can you beat anxiety? and How well do you handle a crisis?

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Post-traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder that's triggered by your memories of a traumatic event

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Post-traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder that's triggered by your memories of a traumatic event -- an event that directly affected you or an event that you witnessed. The disorder commonly affects survivors of traumatic events, such as sexual assault, physical assault, war, torture, a natural disaster, an automobile accident, an airplane crash, a hostage situation or a death camp. Post-traumatic stress disorder also can affect rescue workers at the site of an airplane crash or a mass shooting. It can affect someone who witnessed a tragic accident.

Not everyone involved in a traumatic event experiences post-traumatic stress disorder. However, the disorder affects more than 5 million adults each year in the United States. Post-traumatic stress disorder is twice as common in women as it is in men. Treatment may involve a combined approach including medications and behavior therapy designed to help you gain control of your anxiety.

Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder typically appear within three months of the traumatic event. However, in some instances, they may not occur until years after the event and may include: § Flashbacks and distressing dreams associated with the traumatic event. § Distress at anniversaries of the trauma. § Efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings and activities associated with the trauma. § Feelings of detachment or estrangement from others and an inability to have loving feelings. § Markedly diminished interest or participation in activities that once were an important source of satisfaction. § In young children, delayed or developmental retrogression in such areas as toilet training, motor skills and language. § Hopelessness about the future -- no hope of a family life, career or living to old age. § Physical and psychological hypersensitivity -- not present before the trauma -- with at least two of the following reactions: trouble sleeping, anger, difficulty concentrating, exaggerated startle response to noise, and physiological reaction to situations that remind you of the traumatic event. These physiological reactions may include an increase in blood pressure, a rapid heart rate, rapid breathing, muscle tension, nausea and diarrhea. Risk factors

The severity of the traumatic event and how long the event lasted appear to be factors in the development of this disorder. Other factors that may increase the likelihood of developing post-traumatic stress disorder include:

§ A previous history of depression or other emotional disorder § A previous history of physical or sexual abuse § A family history of anxiety § Early separation from parents § Being part of a dysfunctional family § Alcohol abuse § Drug abuse

When to seek medical advice

It's normal to undergo a wide range of feelings and emotions after a traumatic event. The feelings you experience may include fear and anxiety, a lack of focus, sadness, changes in sleeping or eating patterns, or bouts of crying that come easily. You may have recurrent thoughts or nightmares about the event. If you have these disturbing feelings for more than a month, if they're severe or if you feel you're having trouble getting your life back under control, consider seeing your doctor or a mental health professional.


Schizophrenia is a chronic and often debilitating mental illness. The condition can cause you to withdraw from the people and activities in the world around you and to retreat into a world of delusions or separate reality.

Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of schizophrenia may include:

§ Delusions -- personal beliefs not based in reality, such as paranoia that you're being persecuted or conspired against § Bizarre delusions -- for example, a belief in Martians controlling your thoughts § Hallucinations -- sensing things that don't exist, such as imaginary voices § Incoherence § Lack of emotions or inappropriate display of emotions § A persistent feeling of being watched § Trouble functioning at work or in social situations

Generally, schizophrenia causes a slowly progressive deterioration in the ability to function in various roles, especially in your job and personal life. The signs and symptoms of schizophrenia vary greatly. A person may behave differently at different times. He or she may become extremely agitated and distressed, or fall into a trance-like, immobile, unresponsive (catatonic) state, or even behave normally much of the time. Signs and symptoms that occur continuously and progressively may indicate schizophrenia. In general, schizophrenia has symptoms that fall into three categories -- negative, positive and cognitive:

Negative signs and symptoms

Negative signs and symptoms may appear early in the disease, and a person may not think he or she needs treatment. They're referred to as negative because they indicate a loss of behavior or of a personality trait. Negative signs generally accompany a slow deterioration of function, leading to your becoming less sociable.

Such signs may include:

§ Dulled emotions (lack of expression) § Inappropriate emotions (laughing while expressing terrifying images) § A change in speech (speaking in a dull monotone) Positive signs and symptoms Positive signs include hallucinations and delusions. They're called positive because they indicate a trait or behavior that's been added to the personality. § Hallucinations. Hallucinations occur when you sense things that don't exist. The most common hallucination in schizophrenia is hearing voices. You may carry on a conversation with voices that no one else can hear. Or you may perceive that voices are providing you instructions on what to do. Hallucinations may result in injuries to other people.

§ Delusions. Delusions are firmly held personal beliefs that have no basis in reality. The most common subtype of schizophrenia is paranoid schizophrenia, in which you hold irrational beliefs that others are persecuting you or conspiring against you. For example, some people with schizophrenia may believe that the television is directing their behavior or that outside forces are controlling their thoughts.

Cognitive signs and symptoms

These signs and symptoms tend to be more subtle than positive and negative ones. Cognitive signs and symptoms may include: § Problems making sense of incoming information § Difficulty paying attention § Memory problems

Misconceptions about schizophrenia

Schizophrenia may exist alone or in combination with other psychiatric or medical conditions. Misconceptions about schizophrenia and its relation to other mental illnesses abound. The following truths will help clarify what it is and is not:

§ Schizophrenia isn't the same as a split or multiple personality. Multiple personality disorder is a separate, rare condition. § Although some people with schizophrenia develop violent tendencies, most don't. Many withdraw into themselves rather than interact with others. § Not everyone who acts paranoid or distrustful has schizophrenia. Some people have a paranoid personality disorder, a tendency to be suspicious or distrustful of others, without the other features of schizophrenia. § Not everyone who hears voices is schizophrenic. Some people with depression may hear voices. Hearing voices may also occur as a result of a serious medical illness or from the effects of medication. Substance abuse and schizophrenia

While not necessarily a sign of schizophrenia, drug abuse is more common in people with schizophrenia. Nicotine is a commonly abused drug by people with schizophrenia; it's estimated that 75 percent to 90 percent of people with schizophrenia smoke compared with about one-quarter of the general population. Unfortunately some drugs, such as amphetamines, cocaine and marijuana, can make schizophrenia symptoms worse. Others, such as nicotine, can interfere with schizophrenia medications.


Researchers haven't identified the cause or causes of schizophrenia, although they believe genetic factors play a role. About 1 percent of the general population develops schizophrenia compared with 10 percent of those with a close family relative who has the disease. Chemical or subtle structural abnormalities in the brain may contribute to causing this illness.

When to seek medical advice

By its nature, schizophrenia often isn't an illness for which someone is likely to voluntarily seek treatment. To a person with schizophrenia, the delusions and hallucinations are real, and often he or she may believe there's no need for medical help. If you're a family member or friend of someone who is exhibiting possible signs of schizophrenia or another mental disorder, you may need to be the one who takes him or her to a medical professional for evaluation. Additionally, people with schizophrenia are more likely to attempt suicide, so if your loved one talks about committing suicide, seek professional help immediately.

Screening and diagnosis

Before making a diagnosis of schizophrenia, your doctor likely will rule out other possible causes of the signs that may suggest schizophrenia. It's possible that other mental or physical illnesses may cause signs similar to schizophrenia.

Your doctor will want to discuss your family and medical history and do a physical examination. Your doctor may ask for blood or urine samples to see if medications, substance abuse or another physical illness may be a factor in your signs.

Among the other mental illnesses that may at least partly resemble schizophrenia are depression, bipolar disorder, other psychoses, and abuse of alcohol and other drugs.

It's also possible that physical illnesses such as certain infections, cancers, nervous system disorders, thyroid disorders and immune system disorders may produce some psychotic signs. Psychosis is also a possible side effect of some medications. If no other underlying cause is found, doctors diagnose schizophrenia based on the signs and symptoms.

Listen to Arthur Buchanan on the Mike Litman Show! THIS LINK WORKS, LISTEN TODAY!

With Much Love, Arthur Buchanan

President/CEO Out of Darkness & Into the Light 43 Oakwood Ave. Suite 1012 Huron Ohio, 44839 The only place where your dream becomes impossible is inyour own thinking. --Robert H. Schuller

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Friday, March 28, 2008

First Kiss - Dealing with the Anxiety

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Getting close to landing your first kiss? Are you overwhelmed with stress? If the answer is yes, then you must read this article. It will slash your anxiety in half.

1) Eliminate Expectations Don't expect to set the world on fire with your first kiss. Instead, decide that you just want to give a normal 10 second kiss. Shooting for a realistic goal will lower your stress considerably. 2) Remember that you'll get a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th + chance. Once that initial kiss is made, you guys will do it a hundred more times. You'll be so relieved and thrilled to be kissing, that you'll want to do it all the time. So, if you screw up a little on your first kiss, don't sweat it. You'll get another chance to do it better...probably within the hour.

3) It's probably their first kiss, too Don't expect to be judged on your performance. If they haven't kissed anyone before, either, you can be damn sure that they're also stressing about it. In fact, after you guys pull apart from your first kiss, it's likely they'll be so busy wondering "Am I doing this right", that they won't stop to consider whether you did it right.

4) They want you to kiss them Go ahead and assume that the person you're dating wants to kiss you. Obviously, they're physically attracted to you. Otherwise, they wouldn't be dating you. It's only natural for them to want you in a more physical way. Of course, they want to kiss you.

5) Think positive thoughts Psyche yourself up. Think how happy you'll be once you land that first kiss. Think of all the hours of making out that will be going on after you get the first kiss over with. Think how great it's going to feel. Don't delay this ecstasy any longer.

6) Billions of people kiss every day A kiss is a normal everyday thing for several billion people. Your mom and dad, neighbors, and other people all over the world kiss all the time, so what's the big deal? If they can do it, why can't you? If it's no big deal to dinosaurs like your parents and grandparents, why should you have a problem with it?

7) Visualize it Try to picture how it's going to go down. When you go to bed at night, close your eyes and try to imagine how you're going to make your approach, how you're going to hold them, etc. The more you visualize this moment, the more comfortable and stress free you'll be when the time comes to do it for real.

8) Practice it in your room...seriously Physically go through the motions that you visualized in the previous step. Practice walking up to your sweetie, practice what you're going to say (and in what tone of voice), and practice leaning in. You can even practice kissing your hand. Believe it or not, but these techniques actually work. Going through the motions will prepare you for the real thing.

Todd Peterson is the editor of the popular teen community

Visit for more on teen life

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Get immediate relief from Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks using breathing techniques

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Get immediate relief from Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks using breathing techniques.

Mike Carlson

Many of the symptoms we feel during an anxiety or panic attack are very real physical reactions by our body, even though the threat may be more a product of our mind than it is a reality.

Throughout my years of learning do conquer my anxiety disorder, I learned that a) there is no instant cure or "quick fix" and b) no single avenue of treatment alone, such as medications, will be an effective, long term solution.

One of the single most effective ways of reducing the debilitating physical reactions your body has to a perceived threat (which is partly what an anxiety attack is) is to learn deep breathing techniques.

Once you learn to control your breathing, when you feel anxiety attack coming on you'll be able to quickly relax and reduce those feelings. You'll quickly feel much better, and what a huge step that will be!

Part of what happens when your mind perceives danger is it shortens up your breathing, producing a lot of the choking, panicking, fast heart beats that you feel.

It's important for you to use these breathing techniques before or right when you feel anxiety coming on. However, start practicing any time you get a chance, at least once a day.

You'll want to practice slow, steady breathing through your nose. To be sure you're doing this technique well; slowly inhale through your nose, while counting to 6. Hold your breath for a second or two, then slowly exhale also while counting to 6, hold for a second or two, and repeat.

Also try and breathe using your stomach and not your chest. To test this, place your hand on your stomach as you breathe, and you should feel it moving slowly up and down with your inhales and exhales.

Now practice this each day, when you're driving to work, or relaxing after work would be great. Allow yourself to relax while doing this. Start using this technique when you start to feel anxiety coming on, or when you know you'll be heading into a situation that usually causes a problem with your anxiety disorder, even before you start to feel the symptoms come on!

This is just one of the techniques, when combined with a holistic "life" approach to anxiety disorders and panic attacks that can allow you to live anxiety free!

It is possible, it can be done, but you have to do it! Start today

Mike has lived with Anxiety all of his life. He has spent many of those years trying many "traditional" treatments and searching for new solutions to living anxiety free. By taking some traditional treatments and also "Going outside the Box" Mike is now living free of fear and living a full life he never thought possible!

www.Live Anxiety

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Anxiety Depression

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Anxiety anxiety disorder anxiety attack anxiety treatment anxiety depression anxiety social anxiety symptom anxiety stress anxiety medication anxiety attack symptom anxiety disorder social anxiety disorder generalized anxiety separation anxiety phobia workbook anxiety attack panic anxiety phobia anxiety coping 10 anxiety charge depression distress emotional healing life overcoming person steps take through whole anti anxiety medication anxiety status age anxiety in madness motherhood perfect anxiety test 2nd anxiety beat coaching completely depression edition powerful program revised self updated

Anxiety attack can change drug free life new panic that therapy when anxiety information anxiety performance anxiety celexa anti anxiety drug anxiety depression symptom anxiety cymbalta anxiety disorder symptom anxiety disorder phobia anxiety child anxiety dog separation anxiety depression medication adult anger anxiety decrease dream dream guided indigo indigo meditation relaxation relaxation stress technique anxiety fear anxiety medicine anxiety relief anxiety stress symptom anxiety management anxiety disorder general anxiety child in anxiety center midwest stress anxiety disorder panic anxiety drug anxiety paxil anxiety physical symptom anxiety help anxiety disorder treatment anxiety dog in separation anti anxiety anxiety cause anxiety math anxiety diet anxiety high anxiety wellbutrin

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Overcoming Anxiety Disorder

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Overcoming anxiety disorder is achievable with just a little bit of hard work.

When I first made the decision of overcoming anxiety disorder I tried a number of different methods.

First method I tried with overcoming anxiety disorder was medication per my doctor's recommendations. I was on Aropax, valium and xanax. Xanax just made me sleepy all the time and Aropax and valium had the opposite effect and actually increased my anxiety.

It was at this point I decided to withdraw from medication, as I was looking for a solution that would help overcoming anxiety disorder certainly not increase my anxiety!

I then resorted to natural methods of finding a way of overcoming anxiety disorder.

I tried relaxation tapes, meditation (meditation is difficult to master at the best of times, and if you intend to try this method of overcoming anxiety disorder I recommend you dedicate at least half an hour everyday to it for at least 6 months), however the fastest results I found for overcoming anxiety disorder came from distraction techniques.

Using distraction techniques I was overcoming anxiety disorder within the first week. There are a variety of distraction techniques you can use when overcoming anxiety disorder. It is a matter of finding what best suits you for your situation.

Sign up for our free newsletter and discover more techniques on <strong>Anxiety Disorder</strong> You can sign up here at:

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

First steps toward stopping your Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks.

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First steps toward stopping your Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks.

By Mike Carlson

If you're like me, you've already been through a great deal in trying to find a solution to your anxiety disorder and panic attacks. Or, maybe you've just figured out that there is a name for how you've been feeling. I've spent most of my life in and out of various treatments, reading books, trying medications, and so on with varying levels of success. I found out a whole lot of information on the WHAT and WHY of anxiety disorder, but very little on the HOW, the steps on what to do to actually change the course of my life and live my life without anxiety holding me back.

After more than 20 years of trial and error, I've finally managed to do just that, and I'm going to let you in on the first step of my secret today.

You have probably lived with this thing for all of your life, like I have. How are you going to even know what it's like to feel "normal" if you never have! How do you know how anxiety disorder is affecting your life's outcome when it feels "normal" to you, because you never knew any different? All that you know right now is, you see some people around you doing big things, and you know that you are more than capable, more than intelligent enough, to do those same things. Yet, there is something holding you back.

We need to start doing something TODAY. You're going to start figuring out what those things are in life that are causing you anxiety. This may sound easier than it is! Some are obvious. Some have been there so long that you're so used to them that, once you discover them it may surprise you.

Take a notebook, a binder, whatever works for you to write in. Carry it with you if you can, but at least write in it every night while things are still fresh. I would like you to write down every time that you felt some form of anxiety, no matter how small, up to a full blown panic attack. One of mine used to be that each morning I would feel mild anxiety as I got up and did my morning routine. As I started to notice this, I had no idea why I was even feeling this way at first. But I identified it in my notebook, and by noticing it, I then was able to start to realize what the cause was. But that step is for another day.

So every day start writing these things down. Pay attention. Bring your notebook with you every chance you get. Start being aware of new things that have just "been there" for ever, then you can start on to the next step!

To succeed we have to take action. Here is your first step. There is no "magic pill" or quick fix for anxiety disorder. So get started!

Mike has lived with Anxiety all of his life. He has spent many of those years trying many "traditional" treatments and searching for new solutions to living anxiety free. By taking some traditional treatments and also "Going outside the Box" Mike is now living free of fear and living a full life he never thought possible!

www.Live Anxiety

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How Acupuncture Can Help Anxiety

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Traditional medicine primarily uses relatively strong drugs to bring relief to those who suffer from anxiety. While the drugs do provide a degree of relief, some of the complications make one wonder if it is really worthwhile.

There is another way, however, and this article will show you how acupuncture can help anxiety.

Acupuncture In The United States

The Food and Drug Administration in 1996 officially welcomed acupuncture into the United States. Since that time, many have found it to be beneficial in quite a variety of ways, including for anxiety.

Many who practice the use of acupuncture are medical doctors who now combine it, into their medical practice. There are now over 20,000 certified practitioners in the United States.

While it has been tested both in the United States and England, it still remains a little on the outside - partly because people don't like needles. Alternatives to the needles now use more hi-tech methods - acupressure and mild lasers, which they say has about the same effect.

How Does It Work?

The basic idea of how it works is a little foreign to the minds of those of of us who live in the West. Still, the idea is interesting. They believe that the body, when healthy, allows the free flow of energy, called qi (chi) throughout the body.

The energy, they say, flows through 12 channels, called meridians, where the streams of chi come together and intersect. When there is a restriction of chi, the result are symptoms, and health problems.

Acupuncture, through the use of the needles, works on those points where the channels intersect, to unblock the flow of chi.

Those of us that live over on this side of the ocean might replace chi with the words life-force. With that restoration of the proper flow of the life force, the body can then begin to use its natural self-healing mechanisms. Acupuncture specialists often also use herbal remedies as part of a treatment program.

Modern research has shown that acupuncture stimulates the body to release chemicals in your body called endorphins. Endorphins are your body's natural pain-relievers. They may have something to do with how acupuncture helps to relieve anxiety.

Treating Anxiety

Many of the treatments for anxiety largely involve the acupuncture points found on the ear. However, studies have shown, with various control groups, that only particular areas of the ear bring any noticeable difference.

But the differences were rather amazing. While doctors still do not know why it works, they do know that there are measurable differences.

The patients that had the correct areas of the ear needled, were those that had a significant reduction in anxiety and stress-levels.

Acupuncture works on both the physical and the emotional states to bring about a general good state of well-being. It also works for other emotional problems, too.

Before you visit your local acupuncturist for depression, however, make sure that they are certified by your state.

Acupuncture Treatments

A couple of nice things about acupuncture is:

? Many insurance companies now cover it ? It is drug free - though your doctor may desire you to continue ? It uses natural healing

The average treatment can last anywhere from a couple of minutes, up to about an hour - with no negative after-effects.

Annie Beal makes it easy for anyone to feel better
naturally with acupuncture and acupressure. To
receive your free 7-part mini-course visit:

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Words That Relieve Stress, Depression & Anxiety

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One of the most common flawed modes of behavior performed by every sufferer who enters into a harrowing episode of stress, depression or anxiety concerns the words they use to describe situations and events they are confronted with. In using powerful, emotive words, sufferers will trigger the fear response and the more they use such words, the worse their suffering gets.

Powerful, emotive words are part of everybody?s vocabulary. Sometimes, we use powerful words when we lose our temper or we become angry and frustrated. In this state, we give vent to our feelings and the emotions within us have an outlet.

This is fine. For most people, once their emotions have been expressed, they return to their usual selves and life carries on as normal.

But it doesn?t work like this if you are prone to stress, depression or anxiety.

In these states, sufferers will react negatively to every event they are confronted with in their lives. One of the negative reactions concerns using powerful and emotive words that can make even the most insignificant of events a major problem. Words can and do have that much power and in this article, I?m going to show you how this works with three of the worst words you can use to assign meanings to events. They are:

Nothing, everything and never.

For example, let?s say your relationship with your spouse breaks down. Here?s how using the above words can trigger stress, depression or anxiety:

?Well that?s it. EVERYTHING has gone wrong in my life. I?m NOTHING without him/her and I know I?ll NEVER be happy ever again.?

Can you see how flawed this highly emotive reaction is and can you see how these words ? seemingly innocuous by themselves ? have made one event a major, stressful episode by assigning a catastrophic meaning to your whole life?

To avoid arousing such fearful emotions, here are three better, much less emotive words you can use to lower the intensity:

For everything, use ONLY. For Never, use TEMPORARY. For nothing, use SOME.

So let?s use these words to find a less intense meaning to the event in our example, the breakdown of an intimate relationship:

?OK, my relationship is over, but it ONLY affects my love life. SOME things will change but other areas of my life ? my work, my friendships, my hobbies and my social life will carry on as normally as possible. I?m hurting now, but this is TEMPORARY and things will get better in due course.?

Can you see how using different words can dramatically reduce the impact and make much clearer sense of the event? This is exactly why some people never enter into a stressful, depressive or anxious episode even when they are faced with the most trying of circumstances, such as relationship breakdown.

Everything, nothing and never are just three of the emotive words used by sufferers. There are many more ? including expletives that are far too strong to use here ? but if you use the three alternatives I?ve given in this article, you will drastically reduce the chances of entering into an episode of stress, depression and anxiety.

Be aware of the words you use to assign meanings ? mind your language!

See you soon.

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Canine Separation Anxiety

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One of the greatest joys of dog ownership is the tight bond we experience and encourage with our dogs. However, if your dog becomes too reliant or dependant on you, canine separation anxiety can develop.

Canine Separation Anxiety is an enormous problem to an estimated 10% of all puppy's and older dogs. Somewhat ironically, it is the major cause for dogs ending up in animal shelters. I wish I could say dog separation anxiety is easily fixed , but the truth is it can be a very difficult and time consuming problem to turn around.

Let's take a look at separation anxiety from your dogs perspective. You are the most important thing in your dogs life. Dogs are very sociable creatures and thrive on company for many reasons. If your dog had a choice he/she would spend every bit of his time with you. So it's only natural that when you go out, your dog can experience varying degrees of distress and anxiety. He becomes confused, vulnerable, doesn't know where you are going, why he can't be with you and if you will be coming back to him. When you are separated all he wants is to be reunited with his pack - which is you.

Punishment is never the answer to treating dog separation anxiety!

Does Your Dog Suffer From Separation Anxiety?

There's every chance your dog is suffering from a Separation Anxiety disorder rather than another dog behavior problem if:

1. Your dog gets really worked up and anxious when you are preparing to leave the house. Things like picking up your car keys or putting on your coat can trigger the behavior.

2. Your dog engages in inappropriate behavior only when you are separated. I expand on this topic further down the page, but behavior such as urinating inside, excessive barking and destructive behavior are common symptoms of Separation Anxiety in dogs.

3. Your dog follows you everywhere you go and immediately becomes distressed if he can't be near you.

4. When you arrive home your dog is over the top with his greeting and takes a while to calm down.

Why Do Dogs Suffer From Separation Anxiety?

There are many theories on this one. In some cases the cause or trigger can be pinpointed to a particular event, but often there appears to be no explanation for the Separation Anxiety to commence. What I can say is that Canine Separation Anxiety regularly occurs:

- Straight after a change in routine. Such as your work hours changing or a family member leaves home. Remember dogs are creatures of habit and any changes can be very unsettling to them.

- If you have been on vacation or unemployed for some time and have been spending heaps of time with your dog. When you go back to work your dog becomes anxious and distressed.

- Unfortunately dog's rescued from animal shelters contribute a highly disproportionate number of Separation Anxiety cases.

- After your dog experiences a traumatic event while on his own. If a thunderstorm lashes your home while your dog is alone, this can trigger Separation Anxiety in the future.

- If your dog is rarely left alone and becomes overly reliant on his pack.

- When you move house to a new neighbourhood.

How Does Dog Separation Anxiety Manifest Itself?

- Barking - Whining - Licking - Destructive Behavior - Chewing - Howling - Panic Attacks - Digging - Inappropriate Urinating - House Soiling - Self Mutilation - Escaping - Diarrhea - Loss Of Appetite - Excessive Salivation - Vomiting - Jumping Through Windows - Crying

What Can You Do To Help Your Dog Overcome Separation?

The treatment administered to your dogs separation anxiety problem depends on its severity. You will find lots of theories and suggestions regarding the correct way to treat separation anxiety - I'll just inform you of what's worked for me.

The 4 Step Program I Used To Fix My Dalmation's Separation Anxiety Problem

My dalmation Harrison developed Separation Anxiety seemingly for no reason when he was about 7 years old. He would start digging and crying as soon as I left the house, even if my other family members were home. My Veterinarian suggested this training process, it achieved the desired result but took plenty of time and patience.

Aside from the 4 step program listed below, I continued to practice the general day to day duties of responsible dog ownership. By this I mean things like providing a safe and comfortable bed, plenty of exercise and obedience training.

Harry would start to get anxious (his whole body would shake) at the very first sign of me leaving the house. This typically would be putting my shoe's on or turning off the TV or heater. It became a real problem for Harry, myself and the rest of my family, this is how we eventually solved it:

Step 1

Since Harry was always by my side when I was home I had to slowly teach him that he didn't always need to be close to me. I started out by ignoring his attention seeking behavior (jumping up, barking etc.) and then did some solid practice of his down stay. Little by little we extended the time and distance we spent apart, until he was happy to be alone for up to 30 minutes. Of course, we still spent lots of fun time together.

Step 2

The next step was to get him used to being outside when I was inside. Again we started off with very small periods apart and gradually lengthened the time over a couple of weeks. If you try this Separation Anxiety treatment make sure that you don't just leave your dog outside to get all worked up and stressed. The trick is to start out leaving your dog out for a few seconds, then going out and reuniting before he shows any signs of Separation Anxiety. Give your dog a treat or dog toy to keep his mind off missing you. Only initiate contact with your dog when he is calm and quiet.

Step 3

The next step in fixing Harry's Separation Anxiety problem was to eliminate the distress caused by me getting ready to leave the house for work. What I did was write a list of all the triggers that started Harry's anxiety. I then set about desensitizing him to these triggers. I'd put my shoe's on, and not go anywhere. Put my coat on, then sit down to read the paper. Pick up my car keys and just carry them around with me, jangling along as I went about my business. After a while (about 3 weeks) Harry barely offered a sideways glance at my shenanigans.

Step 4

When Harry was completely calm in situations that would have unsettled him in the past, I left the house. At first I just stepped outside, shut the door and came back inside within 20 seconds - before he made a sound. Again this was a slow process, similar to step 2. I extended the time outside the front door and then graduated to starting the car, then driving around the block before I came back inside. You can provide a tasty treat to your dog on your way out the door, something that he can work on for a while. Harry's favorite was a frozen Kong stuffed full of peanut butter and a few liver treats, this eventually kept him occupied for hours. Remember that when you return home, don't make a huge fuss. Come inside, get changed, pour yourself a nice hot coffee, then greet your calm dog.

This process did prove effective for me and my anxious dalmation. All up the 4 steps took about 5 weeks to work through and fix Harry's Separation Anxiety problem. My Vet suggested that I supplement this training with some medication. I didn't go down that path, but it would have been my next step if required.

Whichever method you choose to treat dog separation anxiety, be sure to stick with it and don't expect any immediate results.

Chris Smith is a dedicated dog owner and creator of

You are the best person in the world to train your dog - do it the right way, at home

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Friday, March 21, 2008

Speech Anxiety: A Rational Fear Carried Too Far

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People, on average, detest the idea of giving a speech. If you have ever been forced to take a course in public speaking at the high school or college level you have probably witnessed what strong forms of speech anxiety can produce. Shakiness, stuttering, visible sweating, hyperventilation and even fainting are possible among those with a great deal of anxiety who are forced to get behind the podium.

A series of studies confirms the fact that public speaking is feared more than death. Think about that for a moment and just how ludicrous it is. More people are afraid of delivering a simple presentation than they are of life's end. Clearly, that is irrational. No logical person would trade their life away in order to avoid ten minutes in front of co-workers discussing recent company trends.

So, we know that speech anxiety is common. We know that it can lead to all sorts of discomfort and nastiness for people forced to confront it. We also know that many people are so afraid of speaking that they consider it a fate worse than death. All of that points to one conclusion: speech anxiety is a very powerful force.

The fear of public speaking, although more intensely felt than some other fears, still holds a lot in common with other sources of nervousness. Assuming a fear is misplaced to at least some extent, the original source of the worry tends to stem from some level of personal insecurity and/or a lack of information. Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance creates fear, and that fear is intensified even more when we know we are ignorant. That is the case with public speaking.

We do not feel comfortable giving a speech and we know it. We feel unprepared, disorganized and unsure of our ability to make a point without humiliating ourselves in front of others. We feel inadequate and we know it long before we open our mouths to give an introduction. Had we found the information necessary to approach speech construction and delivery and learned it, we would feel better about the situation.

If everyone knew some simple ways to come up with a great presentation and some simple tricks regarding delivery, they could approach public speaking with a greater level of assuredness. If they knew even more about public speaking--perhaps even some details and perspective on speech anxiety--their fear would be even further mitigated.

There are few people in the world who can hop up in front of others and being speaking without hesitation or fear. They are the exceptions. Most of us, all things being otherwise equal, would choose to avoid giving a public presentation. That preference may be a reflection of our personality, but it is also a reflection of our good sense.

You see, we do not want to give a speech because we know we are inadequately prepared to do a good job. Our fears may be inappropriately large, but they are rooted in some honest self-assessment. We fear what we do not know. We fear that even more when we know just how much we do not know!

If you were called upon to deliver a public speech today, how would you react? If you said you would be glad to do so and were ready to go that means one of two things: either you have a great deal of confidence based on having developed good public speaking skills or you are one of those few people who have no qualms about presenting (even if they don't have the talent or technique to do it well). In other words, those who have no fear of public speaking are either skilled or ignorant without realizing it.

The fear of public speaking is rational. Many people, however, carry that rational fear to an irrational extreme.

How can we combat this? The answer is simple: information. If once is willing to seek out information and guidance regarding the development of public speaking, anxiety can be calmed. Information also leads to the development of skills, which will further abate any speech anxiety. There is even available information that deals directly with the issue of speech anxiety, making it that much easier to conquer. Fear breeds in ignorance, and eradicating that ignorance with a solid guide to public speaking is a sensible solution to the problem.

For more information regarding Public Speaking please visit

Public Speaking

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Ways To Relieve Anxiety Symptoms

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Our society today can often be very overwhelming and it is important to make your anxiety is in check as well as any other issues that you may have going on at the time. Anxiety is felt by everyone at some time in their life, like when giving a speech or going on a job interview. For people with severe anxiety, it is much worse and is felt on a constant basis. People with anxiety issues often experience some or all of the following symptoms: extreme fear, abnormal phobias, heart palpitations, panic attacks, shyness and obsessive behaviors. Therapy, medication, and relaxation exercises can all provide relief of anxiety symptoms and when used together the results are even better.

Therapy is usually the first step used in relieving anxiety issues. A therapist can help you to discover the underlying causes of your anxiety and can suggest the best ways to help you get through it. Some techniques that are used to help relieve a person?s anxiety often include cognitive or behavioral therapy. Cognitive therapy is when you are taught to use different ways of thinking when you are in a situation that may cause anxiety. By reprogramming your thought processes you can decrease your anxiety at the time, by telling yourself more positive things when anxiety is felt. Behavioral therapy is when you are constantly confronted with the anxiety filled situation until your start to feel more comfortable. Taken in baby steps the therapist will talk you through the process as they slowly get you to come to terms with the situations that cause you anxiety, and it goes away.

Medications are also very commonly used to decrease a person?s anxiety. Under the supervision of your therapist a medication may be prescribed that can help elevate anxiety temporarily. Some of the medications include: SSRI?s like Lexapro, Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, or Luvox, MOAIs like Parnate or Nordil, and TCAs like Tofranil, Adapin, Vivactil, Anafranil, Surmotil, Elavil, Sinequan, Endep, Norpramin or Ludiomil. If you do choose to use medication to treat your anxiety, it is best to do so under the strict supervision of your physician because many of these medications have side effects and all have to be prescribed.

Relaxation exercises can also help to elevate anxiety. Panic attacks caused by heightened anxiety can be calmed by deep breathing exercises. Mediation has been known to relieve anxiety symptoms before a situation that might trigger it, by having a relaxing effect on the person. Yoga and other exercise programs have also been shown to relieve anxiety somewhat. Since the endorphins released during the exercise can have a calming effect on the person, anxiety is often reduced.

Many people suffer every day from anxiety problems or panic attacks that can stop them from leading a normal life. If you feel that you have a problem with anxiety or panic attacks therapy, medication, or relaxation exercises can prove to be very effective in treating your problem. The symptoms of anxiety can constantly rule a person?s life and if they become serious it is very important to seek out professional help for your mental health.

Dave Michaels writes on home, health and computer subjects. For more anxiety symptom information visit

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Depression Treatments And Symptoms Of Anxiety Depression

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More than 17 million American people are affected by anxiety depression symptoms, so that the specialists have been calling this illness as psychiatric flu.

When the young people are concerned, the psychiatric factors are the ones that influence the anxiety depression symptoms. People have to be thought by the specialist how to deal with the stress factors and also they need to know how to improve their own capacity of handling these stressing factors. Almost the majority of the anxiety depression symptoms are very respondent to different treatments, especially to medication. As a modality of reducing stress, anyone can cut some hours from the work schedule program and a refusal of some social obligations. As for the more improved stress confrontation capacity, the patient is supposed to do a lot of relaxing exercises, more adequate sleeping hours and a healthy diet.

Finding an effective antidepressant drug is not an easy task, as every individual has one particular set of characteristics and therefore it is not possible a priori to establish which antidepressant will be that effective one. Beyond to depression medication, other treatments like psychotherapy, integrated therapy and depression medication, electro convulsion therapy and the therapy with light are today available. Each one of these approaches has detailed prescription lists. As an example, the depression medication treatment and that psychotherapy one have a rate success from 60 to 80%. This integrated modality has one of its particular indications in the advanced shapes of depression. Some patients show the persistence of residual symptoms between an episode and the other and in the shapes in which depression medication or psychotherapy alone is not effective.

There is a large number of anti depression drugs that can help remedy the harmful effects of the depressive symptoms but some of them have more side effects than others and this is the reason why they get dangerous. Considering from the price point of view, there are cheaper and more expensive anti depression drugs that can be used for treating this disease, but they may have severe side effects, such as: wither mouth, urine abstain, sedation and a lot of sexual problems. Talking about sexual mal functions, some drugs, which were recently discovered, characterize an important development regarding the sexual abnormality. Each medication used for treating the disease in question has a skimpy different profile of side effects, so it may be possible for one to try several solution treatments in order for the doctor to discover the most appropriate one.

Michael Rad is the webmaster of, a free informational resource hub dedicated to explaining depression and related treatments. Other health-related websites that you might be interested in include and

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Anxiety Attacks And Panic Attacks

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Countless individuals who suffer from anxiety live their lives in fear and never genuinely delight in all of the pleasures that life has to offer them. Anxiety can develop when fear, nervousness, paranoia, and worry have been set in place and have become prevailing. This is a state of mind that focuses on negative emotions and may be the issue of an underlying traumatic experience.

Although anxiety starts in the mind, it will strike the body as well. Some of the physical symptoms associated with anxiety are a result of the pressures of fear and panic. These symptoms may comprise of shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and increased perspiration. It is very likely that the fear may also lead to a feeling of an upset stomach or nausea.

One of the primary physical results from anxiety may be that when the body is in a fearful condition, the immune system becomes depressed. When someone faces a real fear or peril, they experience what is known as the "fight or flight" reaction. This reaction is a commonplace component to human survival and is an inborn reaction to a perceived danger. For those who are living with anxiety, panic, and fear for a extended period of time, they are subjecting their immune systems to a state of consistent suppression. This may result in a susceptibility to infections, sickness, and also disease.

Accompanying anxiety are phobias and fears. Numerous people face common fears all through their lives and this is something we all expect throughout life, it is when individuals develop unhealthy fears for things that aren't logical, or have a totally exaggerated reaction to a fear is when the phobia begins to interrupt their normal life.

In reality, the fear may become so severe that just performing ordinary day-to-day tasks become virtually unthinkable to do. Along with the physical side effects, anxiety is devastating because it robs the sufferer of deriving any enjoyment from life. Scientific fact-finding has decided that practically twice as many women as men suffer from anxiety, fear, and panic related conditions.

Life is far too short and precious to waste it in fear and not experiencing the joy and pleasure that is yours to delight in. There are also other anxiety related illnesses such as Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, it is very important to look for help for any anxiety related disorder that you are confronted with.

Psychiatrists may suggest a course of therapy along with medication to help you cope with the fears. Many of the medications that are frequently prescribed may have side effects and have to be taken according to their instructions.

To manage your fear and live your life in peacefulness, security, and stability will be your ultimate rewards. It may be a long hard travel of intensified therapy and other treatments, but it will be well worth it.

Aromatherapy can assist you in countless ways as well. For instance, when you are feeling afraid, you can relish the physical and emotional benefits provided by an aromatic bath. By bathing in tranquil and nerve calming herbs, you can contend with fear naturally and let go of tension and anxiety. Add 10 drops of Chamomile to a hot bath for a relaxing anxiety-soothing bath. Be sure to soak for at least 20 minutes to realize the full benefits. You can also make a fabulous massage oil by using 6 drops of Bergamot essential oil, 6 drops of Clary Sage, and 3 drops of Frankincense. Combine these essential oils with 1-ounce of carrier oil, such as Jojoba or Sweet Almond for a wonderful fear relieving massage.

Carlie Edwards publishes online articles & useful information on Today's Issues. Info on Anxiety-Panic Attacks visit Anxiety-Panic Attack For a variety of related topics visit Health-And-Beauty-Worx.Com

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Natural Remedies For Anxiety And Panic Attacks

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Natural home remedies are increasingly popular for treating a wide range of conditions. You shall read about new ways to promote wellness - ways that are close to nature.

A lot of people combine conventional medicine with alternative medical measures in finding cures to treating anxieties. This gives a method of using modern medical knowledge and this combination is better known as complementary therapies. A lot of practitioners of the conventional and complementary areas agree to the benefits that can be derived from this fusion.

Here we shall discuss one alternative technique designed specifically to cure anxiety and panic attacks.


Homeopathy is a form of medicine that deals with tiny quantities of herbs, minerals, and other substances. Through this healing method, ailments are treated by activating the body's natural defenses, quite often with just one dose.

The wonderful thing is that it is reported to have zero side effects. According to the National Center for Homeopathy, around 40% of the populace in France and 30% of the people in England use homeopathy as a means of curing their illnesses.

Moreover, the cost of homeopathy remedies is much smaller compared to conventional medicines. Homeopathy involves restoring balance to the body's immune system or natural defenses. In principle, this branch of alternative medicine is based on the belief of eighteenth century German physician and founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann.

He formulated the principle known as the "Law of Similars," where he concluded that effective medicine must generate symptoms in healthy individuals that are identical to the diseases that will be cured. This means that when a person develops an illness out of a certain substance, it will take a similar substance taken in diminutive proportion to treat the sickness.

In the field of homeopathy, it is likely that two persons with different ailments may be given the same remedy. Conversely, two persons with the same ailment may be given different remedies. This can be likened to two cars of the same model. One owner may say the car is good because it's durable, while another may say it isn't because it frequently breaks down.

The problem may lie in the way the cars have been assembled or the way the two cars are used in different manners. A homeopath heals a person based on both emotional and physical symptoms. That is why two persons with the same illness but different symptoms are sometimes given different remedies.

A homeopath heals the person as a whole, not just the ailment. This is why it takes a longer time for a homeopath to see each patient again.

Here are some do's and don'ts to remember that are required to maintain and enhance the efficacy of the remedy.

1. As with most medicines, keep homeopathic medicine in a cool dark place.

2. Don't expose the remedy to strong scents or odors because its efficacy might diminish.

3. Avoid using facial cosmetics, lip balms, mint-flavored toothpaste and mouthwashes, and products with camphor.

4. Avoid drinking coffee because its essential oils might decrease the effectiveness of the remedy.

To treat anxiety, a dose of Gelsemium 6X every 15 to 20 minutes may help, but only up to a maximum of 4 doses. (Homeopathic cures classified as X have been diluted 1 to 10.) For worse cases of panic attacks, try a dose of 30C Aconite. (Homeopathic cures classified as C have been diluted 1 to 100.) Stop dosage when you begin to feel calmer.

For more related information visit: - a site that offers advice for avoiding, coping with anxiety and panic attacks. Get professional knowledge on dealing with symptoms, drug side effects and improving your life!

The author has worked in healthcare for 15+ years

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

How I came back from ten years of anxiety and panic to fully recover-by ex sufferer Paul David

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Firstly I would like to introduce myself. My name is Paul David and I suffered from every form of anxiety and panic for 10 years. My recovery came from a meeting with someone who had a full understanding of this condition, in fact he taught me more in one hour than anyone else was able to teach me in 10 years. With this persons help I was able to recover within a few months.

My recovery came because I was given a full understanding of my condition. This is the only way to recover in my opinion. When you know why you feel like you do this takes the whole fear out of your symptoms, it stops you going round in circles everyday trying to find answers to why you feel like you do. It gives your body the freedom to recover. Just like a broken leg or a cut your body is wanting and waiting to recover.

After my recovery I then went on to study the whole panic and anxiety subject in full, in this time I not only realised how much rubbish was spoken on the subject, I was also shocked to find out how many people actually suffered, I knew I was not alone but I could not believe how little information there is out there for a condition for which millions around the world suffer from.

This is why I decided to dedicate my life to helping others, over the years I have been asked many questions from people who suffer and below I list the most common ones.

Q.1 I feel so strange and out of touch with the world around me. Am I going mad?

No, you are definitely not. You may feel as if you are, but this is just another offshoot of anxiety. Anxiety is not a mental illness. These feelings cannot harm you and there is nothing to worry about.

This feeling of strangeness has a totally logical explanation. It comes from the constant worrying about how you feel as you search your mind for answers to your condition. Your mind has become tired and less resilient through watching yourself and worrying about your symptoms, day in, day out. It has been bombarded with worrying thoughts and becomes fatigued. Just as our limbs can tire, so can our mind. It craves a rest from all this introspection of oneself.

In fact these feelings of unreality are your body's way of protecting you from the onslaught of worrying thoughts. Your mind has a safety mechanism that protects against all this, causing us to feel strange and not with it. It is crying out to be left alone and just like a broken arm will heal itself so will your body, you just have to step out of the way and let it.

The main thing is not to dwell on how you feel. These feelings are temporary. Constantly worrying about ourselves and how we feel is the very thing that keeps this feeling alive and when we learn how to stop the habit, it will disappear. Once we are able to change the pattern of our worrying thoughts, we can reverse these feelings of strangeness. You are bound to worry if you don't know why you feel like you do. That is why again 'understanding' is the key.

This is one of the questions I have been asked more than any other. I go into more detail in my book as I know that it is a symptom that needs special attention.

I found this feeling of detachment very hard to accept and understand myself, but when it was explained to me in full, I was able to rid myself of this disturbing symptom.

Q.2 Why do I feel better in certain situations and not in others?

This is a very common one and it all comes down to how you think in other situations. For example, you may feel better in the safety of your own home rather than at a family gathering. There is no difference in both of these situations, the only difference is in the way you think. You are the same person and it is not the situation that makes you feel worse it is your thought pattern. You may spend the day worrying about going to a particular function, setting your body up to be anxious on arrival and then blame it on the situation you are in rather than the thought pattern you have created during the day while at home. You may get there and then also worry about making a fool of yourself, spending the whole time tensing against how you feel and creating more anxiety. Do you see how we do this to ourselves? It is not the situation, but our perception of the situation that causes us to feel worse in certain situations. You are merely doing it to yourself with your thoughts.

You must just accept how you feel wherever you are and in whatever situation you find yourself; deal with yourself and not the place. Sometimes a place may hold certain memories of failure, which makes us feel anxious, but this soon passes when we learn to accept how

If you truly accept how you feel in every situation and stop all the "What if's" and other negative thoughts that just increase anxiety, you will find that although you may feel uncomfortable at times, nothing bad is going to happen to you, and in time your reactions lessen until you feel more able to cope, day by day. Anxiety loves avoidance, so take it's power away and move forward and embrace these feelings of fear, even if you're in a situation where you feel you have failed in the past.

Avoiding symptoms just does not work, as you must realise by now. I was taught to let all feelings be there, not to avoid them but to go through them. This worked for me, I had faced the demons head on and realised this was the only way to stop fearing them. I ignored my body's instinct to avoid and started to embrace how I felt, I moved towards the feelings of fear. Eventually, I started to understand my condition so much more. I went from not been able to even mention or hear the word anxiety, to barely giving it a second thought.

I mention the word 'understanding' again, because this is the key to recovery. How can you not fear something you don't understand! How can you accept something that still scares you?

Q.3 Will these feelings ever go away?

Yes, they will, once you understand why you feel like you do. You can unmask the fears you hold about anxiety. There are so many myths about anxiety that it worries me just how many people are mis-informed and truly believe they will never get better, and that they will just have to live with this condition. Too many people spend years like I did, searching for that elusive miracle cure that just does not exist.

Understanding anxiety takes away so much fear out of how we feel. Every stage and symptom has a logical explanation that can be explained. With less fear and more understanding, we also calm the constant worrying; it is the lack of information on the subject that keeps the worry cycle going. Constant worrying that we will never get better also adds to the belief that we will just have to live with it.

Once we start to understand anxiety and use the tools we have learnt to cope with how we feel, the change can be dramatic. In my recovery, I found that the more knowledge I had and the more I understood my condition the easier it was to accept how I felt. I started to lose fear of my symptoms and how I felt. Eventually they began to hold less power over me and I started to pay them less respect. Like I once said to someone, "Your symptoms hate to be ignored".

It is your desperation to rid yourself of how you feel that keeps your anxiety alive. The stress you put on yourself day in day out, the constant worrying and thinking about your condition, puts a tremendous pressure on your body. Is it any wonder you stay anxious? It's time to stop beating yourself up about how you feel and give your body the rest it craves.

Knowledge is power. The less you fear your symptoms, the less they mean. This also stops the worry cycle you may find yourself in, which is the very thing that keeps anxiety going. You are bound to worry if you don't know what is wrong with you, that is why you need an explanation to help break this cycle.

Q.4 Why do I find it so hard in social situations? I find it so hard to communicate with people.

How can we expect to feel part of this world when all we do is worry about ourselves. Is it any wonder we find it difficult to follow a conversation when all we are concerned about is ourselves and how we feel. It is like being two separate people, one trying to hold a conversation, the other watching our body's reaction. Is it any wonder we struggle to fit in to the world around us?

Once we find the courage to accept how we feel, even embrace these feelings, we find it easier to follow what the other person is saying. We become less concerned about how we feel which gives us more time to be interested in the situation we are in and become more involved in the present.

Q.5 Why do I seem to have so many bad thoughts running around all day?

The reason you seem to have your attention on yourself all day and it feels like there are hundreds of thoughts running through your mind is because of all your confusion about how you feel. You go round in your mind all day long, looking for answers, trying to find a way out of this hell. Some people may even stay up all night reflecting on the whole day, trying to figure it all out. Mostly these are negative or worrying thoughts and that's why they seem to come automatically and with so much force. When you are in an anxious state, emotions seem to be ten-fold. Everything magnifies, a little problem becomes massive, and something that you could dismiss when you were healthy, sticks around all day.

Eventually thinking just becomes automatic; it becomes a habit. All day, every day, these thoughts seem to come before you even think them. Looking at it from another angle, when people meditate, they stop thinking for hours on end until it becomes a habit and they can go all day without a worrying thought. That is why they feel so refreshed.

Not you, your thoughts just carry on and on and when your mind is tired, like it is now, it grasps hold of every thought, pulls them in and they seem to stick. Don't worry that thoughts come so often and seem so bad. These thoughts are not real, they are just exaggerated thoughts due to your overactive, fatigued mind. They hold no danger to you at all; they are just THOUGHTS and nothing else. Don't ever think, "I must not think that". Let all thoughts come, do not run away from any of them. See them for what they are - thoughts - exaggerated because of the way you feel. They can do you no harm and they mean nothing. They won't be around when you recover, so pay them no respect.

Why not try following a negative/scary thought through and ask yourself, "What's the worst thing that could happen?" Ask yourself, "Is it really going to happen? Is this thought rational in any way?" If you do this, you may find an answer to a thought you have been so frightened of. So the next time you can see them for what they are and let them go, and deep down inside of you there is a place where you can see thoughts for what they are, you will realize they just come from habit and are just not important.

For more information and a fuller understanding of your condition please visit my website below.

My name is Paul David, my job is helping people around the world have a better understanding of the whole anxiety and panic condition. I studied this condition for years after my recovery and found that there were far too many people out there without the help and answers they required. My hope is to reach out to as many people as possible and help them understand, why they feel like they do and also to give people a plan for full recovery

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Latent Anxiety Releases Perception CD

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IIja Rosendahl Creates A Stand Alone D.Y.I. Recording

Los Angeles, CA--April 10, 2006--German born IIja Rosendahl has a dream, he wants to receive the respect and attention he deserves from people that care about his music. That is what nearly every artist seeks yet it is so difficult to find because of the fierce competition in independent music.

With the new Latent Anxiety release, Perception, there is very strong chance that Rosendahl will reach his goals. The title says it all; this music is about how you perceive your world. Even with the law of averages and the many obstacles that you may have to overcome, you still have endless opportunity. With the right attitude and some talent, things can happen.

In 2001, IIja began playing guitar in a self-educated way then switched to the electric guitar shortly thereafter, which makes his accomplishments even more astonishing. He put together an incredible album, which also includes his first songs created with a 4-track recorder and a drum computer. When you stop and think about how simplistic that is then listen to Perception, you will find it hard to believe that this is how some of the recordings came together. Each track on the album stands alone and you will find value in every one. With memorable cuts such as "Cold As Ice" and "Fading Away," which serve as superb representations of his style, powerful guitar playing, and vocal prowess, this music is hard to forget. The most interesting thing about this music, besides the way it came together, is its versatility and sturdy cross over ability. Being an 80's child brings out a certain stylistic approach and influences from bands such as Depeche Mode, INXS, U2, Sisters of Mercy, Iron Maiden, Van Halen, Duran Duran, Simple Minds, and Roxy Music come to mind. The cross section of tastes spans a wide range and that is exactly what you will hear on Perception. There are some parallels to IIja's other talents he has at his command, he can speak five different languages, and at times, sounds like an entirely different vocalist from track to track. In the end, the language he speaks is universal, and it is all wrapped up in a nice package inside the music.

Perception is everything in life so when you hear this rocking rock-electronica-progressive-chill out you will be pleased and most certainly be back for a second helping.

Latent Anxiety c/o Delvian Records
Ilja Rosendahl/Benjamin van der Wel
Address: 1270 Springbrook Road, Suite H, Walnut Creek, CA 94597-3995
Tel: 925-256-1770
Fax: 925-256-1774
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What Your Anxiety Symptoms Are Really Telling You?

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Are you suffering from the gnawing nagging feeling of overwhelming unsettled emotional discomfort? Is it effecting your self-esteem and motivation?

Most are familiar with the general anxiety disorders that can be triggered by fears, impending doom, obsessive-compulsive, post-traumatic stress and more. But what about other not so obvious things that raise apprehension and uneasiness that you can't explain?

What is at the root of your anxiety symptom? It may be buried deeply in your subconscious, but most likely you are just not currently aware of the cause. There are many possible things that can be the source of the disharmony leading to undesirable emotional feelings. What do you feel that you can't cope with? Does it relate to the general condition of your life?

What if you are feeling anxious because deep inside you know that you are not thinking and acting in ways that support your core self? You may not even be consciously aware of what is truly important to you, but your incongruent behavior is causing internal friction that your emotions are responding to. Not being aware of why you feel the way you do supports the anxiety, you feel powerless and unsure. But why are you uncertain?

It is normally based on your perception and subsequent interpretation of something. There can be some subtle things that are the cause of stress and anxiety.

Here are 5 places to look for some possible root causes of your anxiety symptom:

1) Personal integrity is compromised -- Are some of your thoughts and behavior not in alignment with your most important values? This situation can be tough to detect until you look for it, as you may not be clearly aware of your deep values. If there is a conflict between your behavior and your deepest core values you will feel emotionally unsettled. Your thoughts and actions must be congruent with your deepest values in order to feel harmonious.

2) Less than honest interactions -- Are you less than honest and forthright in your interactions with others? If you are living even small lies you may be fooling some of the people some of the time, but never yourself. Deep within, you know what's going on and your inner self will let you know when something is not right. However, if you are not aware of your inner thoughts and feelings you may not be sure what your anxious feelings are based on.

3) Cheating Your Potential -- Are you not utilizing all of your potential? Do you make excuses for not using all your potential? Are you full of reasons and justifications in an attempt to feel right about your less than full effort? You know this inside; you can't cheat yourself and get away with it. When you are consciously not aware of it you can feel out of control without knowing why. Not utilizing your full potential can be stressful and anxiety symptoms will come from your feeling not in control.

4) Stuck in the Procrastination trap -- You know that you are not getting done what you want to get done and what you are capable of doing, but can't seem to do anything about it. Also you become unsure that you can do anything about it since you have not been able to up to this point. When you get stuck in this cycle the frustration with yourself can turn into anxiety, as you don't know what is behind it, plus worrying whether you can ever change it.

5) Fearing your future without knowing why -- This relates to the first four items, in that if any of the above conditions are present you can easily feel unsure of your future. Facing the future with self confidence requires that you be well grounded in who you are and in touch with your potential. Not being secure and feeling unsure whether you can do anything about it is stressful and can lead to anxiety.

Stress and anxiety can go hand in hand as you are continuously aware of your feelings of uncertainty and the resulting fears. It can even be the cause of depression if the situation seems like it's hopeless.

The key is to root out these base causes of your emotional feelings, reassess them and change your perception to better align with the life you want.

Anxiety symptoms are red flags your inner referee is throwing up to notify you that something is not right, out of balance. If you let it go, just like a physical ailment, it gets worse and becomes more and more established. These self-concepts originated from some perceived need to protect or satisfy in some way. Since you are feeling unsettled, they are likely no longer supporting your best interest. Your inner self is making you aware of an opportunity to change for the better.

To discover what the sources of your stress and anxiety are and what were the benefits, ask yourself some probing questions to peel open your thoughts. Once your thoughts are revealed, then reassess and establish a new perception and interpretation of the situation or idea.

Start with a blank tablet and a pen or pencil. Get yourself calm and relaxed. Write the first question at the top, then without thinking write what ever thoughts come up without analyzing or judging -- just write. For example --

~Why am I feeling this way?

~What is my biggest fear in life?

~What is the worse that could happen regarding this fear?

~Why do I fear this?

~How can I think differently about this that will better serve me today?

~What am I most uncertain about today?

~Why am I uncertain about this?

~What benefit do or did I get from thinking this way?

~Do I need to continue thinking this way?

~What can I learn from this?

~What is a better way of looking at this?

Asking questions of yourself may not be easy at first, as your mind is not accustomed to thinking in this fashion. But with diligence, you will learn to allow your thinking to open up revealing much more about yourself than you were previously aware of, but it's there.

Also useful method to help to reveal your inner thoughts is to meditate on it. Meditation helps to calm and quiet the surface chatter that keeps you distracted and separated from your inner thoughts, allowing for their rediscovery.

Another beneficial self-improvement activity is to clarify, establish and define a solid foundation for yourself. Just as a tall building cannot be stable without a strong foundation, neither can a successful life. You can solidify your place in the universe, discover your purpose, align with intention, and establish a vision and a personal mission. You can clarify your core values, your potential, your strengths and how you will support your purpose.

With establishing a solid foundation for yourself you will elevate your self-concept, self-esteem, self-confidence and self-motivation --it's how to relieve stress, anxiety and depression. You will be able to grow and change without excessive fear, doubt and worry.

Continuous self-improvement with a positive attitude leads to happiness, positive thinking and unlimited possibility.

John Halderman

John Halderman

Design A Life System

Stop collecting unused information! Discover why books don't help your life success -- leaving you stuck with a false sense of improvement! Time to DO something! Fill the VOID between information and dynamic results. Kick your life into high gear with free "Effective Personal Development" Newsletter and 40-page free report revealing secrets to daily growth and change.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Treatment for Depression and Anxiety: Is Taking Prescription Medication for Anxiety the Best Option?

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Here is the good news about anxiety disorders: They are treatable. There are a variety of treatments for anxiety, including behavioral therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques and medication. But the question more and more patients are posing to their doctors is: Is prescription medication the best treatment option?

Anxiety is complicated to diagnose because it is often found to be a symptom of other medical conditions or a side effect of other behaviors. For example, some people react to too much caffeine by exhibiting symptoms of anxiety disorders, including, occasionally, panic attacks. Other conditions that can be accompanied by anxiety are hypoglycemia, hyperthyroid, insomnia, premenstrual syndrome and, most often, depression.

When a patient who is suffering from depression is also suffering from anxiety disorder, doctors can often see it as a good sign. In general, it means that the person has not accepted or given in to their depressed condition, and is anxious about it. To alleviate the anxiety, doctors can recommend different types of therapy, each of which can work equally well. Most doctors recommend cognitive-behavioral therapy, which helps the patient first to identify the cause of his anxiety, talks him through it, and then slowly and carefully exposes him to situations which make him feel anxious and teaches him how to cope.

In addition to therapy and learned relaxation techniques, doctors will sometimes recommend prescription medication for anxiety -- most often benzodiazepines like Xanax. These medications should not be taken for more than a few months at a time and should not be relied upon as a permanent treatment option. They can be highly addictive and can also produce disturbing side effects, which makes many examine them closely before agreeing to try them.

In many cases, anxiety can be treated without any medication at all. In cases where medication is recommended, there are also natural treatment options for those who are reluctant to begin a regimen that includes prescription medications. If you decide to pursue this route to anxiety relief, look for remedies that include ingredients like passion flower, which is also used to alleviate hypertension, insomnia and nervous tension. Other effective ingredients are lavender, which is one of the most popular panic attack treatments, and lemon balm, a natural anxiety treatment that also serves as a general tonic for the nervous system.

Whichever methods you employ, remember that there are many effective methods of treatment for anxiety and depression, and that patience and persistence will eventually lead you the healthy option that is best for you.

Webmaster: You are authorized to reprint this article providing the author bio/resource box is left completely in tact - including all hyperlinks.

Tess is a Homeopathic Practitioner/Herbalist who contributes to Native Remedies - where you can find Herbal Remedies for health conditions including natural treatments for anxiety and anxiety relief.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stop Anxiety - Master Your Environment

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You have felt it come over you... the sense of your body overreacting. The knots in the stomach, the tenseness, the rapid heartbeat, the uncomfortable feeling of panic. You have those anxiety attacks, big and small, and you would like to have the control to stop them. You can get that control. You can master your body and its reactions. Just like you have learned to do any of the many things you've learned in your life, you can learn how to control and eliminate the causes of anxiety.


Anxiety is a fear reaction triggered by environmental conditions. Somewhere along the way in your life you met conditions that left you uncomfortable. You remember the conditions of that bad time and your brain has stored that combination of events and memories. That brain stored reaction is triggered when conditions arise that have been linked to that prior time.

Your brain is trying to protect you, but in many cases it has inappropriately linked events and memories and fear together in a mix that creates anxiety at the wrong time. You have to do some work to untangle that bad mix in your head. This can be done by you, once you're shown how. It's just like learning how to swing a golf club, drive a car, or do a dance.

It's a question of knowledge and practice. When you learn what to do and then how to do it you can solve problems and do things that you couldn't do the day before. Take a look at the Resource Guide link that is shown above to get direct information to help you.

We are all sensitive beings. That's part of being human. That sensitivity gives us the openings to enjoy the many beautiful and thrilling things in the world. But our brain is not perfect at putting events and memories together. Sometimes our brain tries to protect us and help us, but has actually created a mixed up grouping that triggers anxiety at the wrong time and for the wrong reasons. We can fix that. You can fix that. Just like you can learn to play the piano or ride a bike, you can guide your brain and body to learn in ways useful to you. You can also guide your brain and body to overcome reactions or habits that are not serving you well. Anxiety attacks tell you that your brain and body have developed a reaction that is not helpful to you. It's like having a bad swing in golf. The wrong combinations got embedded. You can work that out and get yourself back to where you want to be. It takes knowledge of what to do and then some practice to get right.

Take advantage of the knowledge available to you to reduce or eliminate your anxiety. The Resource Guide link is one proven method that you can use to reduce your anxiety. If anxiety is bothering you and you want to do something about it, you can. Anxiety can be overcome.

You'll enjoy life more when you've cleared out the bad combination of emotion, environment and fear that is causing you to suffer anxiety. Do you want to enjoy life more? Well, sometimes you've got to make the effort to get what you want. Here's the knowledge to reduce anxiety and eliminate that from your life. If you want to eliminate anxiety, take it. The knowledge and freedom can be yours. It's a walk in the park. A nice one at that.

Note to Publishers: You may freely republish this article in print and online provided you do not edit or alter the contents, and you include the About the Author bio as is. When published online the links must be kept hyperlink active.

William T. Gray writes on a variety of health, wealth and personal relationship topics. His articles are widely published. See for more information.

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Depression treatments and symptoms of anxiety depression

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More than 17 million American people are affected by anxiety depression symptoms, so that the specialists have been calling this illness as psychiatric flu.

When the young people are concerned, the psychiatric factors are the ones that influence the anxiety depression symptoms. People have to be thought by the specialist how to deal with the stress factors and also they need to know how to improve their own capacity of handling these stressing factors. Almost the majority of the anxiety depression symptoms are very respondent to different treatments, especially to medication. As a modality of reducing stress, anyone can cut some hours from the work schedule program and a refusal of some social obligations. As for the more improved stress confrontation capacity, the patient is supposed to do a lot of relaxing exercises, more adequate sleeping hours and a healthy diet.

Finding an effective antidepressant drug is not an easy task, as every individual has one particular set of characteristics and therefore it is not possible a priori to establish which antidepressant will be that effective one. Beyond to depression medication, other treatments like psychotherapy, integrated therapy and depression medication, electro convulsion therapy and the therapy with light are today available. Each one of these approaches has detailed prescription lists. As an example, the depression medication treatment and that psychotherapy one have a rate success from 60 to 80%. This integrated modality has one of its particular indications in the advanced shapes of depression. Some patients show the persistence of residual symptoms between an episode and the other and in the shapes in which depression medication or psychotherapy alone is not effective.

There is a large number of anti depression drugs that can help remedy the harmful effects of the depressive symptoms but some of them have more side effects than others and this is the reason why they get dangerous. Considering from the price point of view, there are cheaper and more expensive anti depression drugs that can be used for treating this disease, but they may have severe side effects, such as: wither mouth, urine abstain, sedation and a lot of sexual problems. Talking about sexual mal functions, some drugs, which were recently discovered, characterize an important development regarding the sexual abnormality. Each medication used for treating the disease in question has a skimpy different profile of side effects, so it may be possible for one to try several solution treatments in order for the doctor to discover the most appropriate one.

Michael Rad is the webmaster of Depression Treatment Expert , a free informational resource hub dedicated to explaining depression and related treatments. Other health-related websites that you might be interested in include Arthritis treatment information and Breast Enlargement Expert

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Low Self-Esteem and Child Separation Anxiety: What You Need to Know!

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Low self-esteem is one of the predictors of Separation Anxiety Disorder, so fostering a strong sense of self-worth is vital in helping your child pass through his normal phase of Separation Anxiety. There are many ways to help bolster a child's self-esteem, including noticing and commenting on his accomplishments. Giving a child positive feedback is one of the best ways of communicating what you want. For example, saying, "Thank you for coming here so quickly when I called you," not only makes the child feel good, but it reinforces the appropriate behavior.

Separation Anxiety creates a negative cycle for children, as they are liable to feel more anxious as a result of low self-esteem and may, in turn, feel bad about being so anxious. That is one of the reasons parents need to strive not to belittle children for their Separation Anxiety. Rather than explaining to the child what he "should" be feeling, let him know that you recognize what he is feeling. Reassure him that you will return and that he is safe in the environment. This self-esteem issue may grow if a child is receiving treatment for Separation Anxiety Disorder or is missing a lot of school as a result of these fearful feelings. Again, the parent needs to reassure the child and find ways to improve feelings of self-worth.

There are a variety of activities that can be used to raise self-esteem. Simply taking notice of something the child has done well and complimenting him on it can be helpful. Children with low self-esteem often find it difficult to accept compliments or to recognize their own positive traits, so the adults need to help them discover good things about themselves. Teaching the child to use positive self talk can help him to better recognize and accept those good traits. It is also helpful to teach him new skills that are age appropriate, so he sees his ability to be successful at new tasks. You should, of course, offer encouragement through each stage of the learning process and show your pride as he accomplishes his goals.

Giving your child an opportunity to make his own decisions can also improve his self-esteem. Allow him a voice in making decisions, and respect the choice he makes. Ask him questions like, "Would you like to wear your red shirt or your blue shirt." When he answers, agree with his choice by saying something like, "Yes, this red shirt is very pretty." You might give older children a choice for dinner and let them help you prepare the meal. The theme here, of course, is to praise your child for his accomplishments. Make sure you do it realistically, though. Children have a way of knowing when you are praising them just for the sake of it, and you also don't want to give them unrealistic expectations. It is great to commend your child for the A he got on his spelling test, but if he is a B student, don't tell him he's so smart that he will be getting all A's. When his next test comes back with a B, he will be disappointed in his effort.

Learn how to beat your own child's separation anxiety with The Separation Anxiety Solution at:

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Sleeping Problems and Separation Anxiety in your Child

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Children suffering from Separation Anxiety often want to sleep in their parents' beds. This may be the child's way of reassuring himself that nothing will happen to Mom or Dad during the night. While this can be endearing at first, it can eventually grow into a problem. There are many parents who now have children that refuse to sleep in their own beds. As you can imagine, this brings about several undesired consequences, not the least of which is not having your bed to yourself.

If you have already found yourself in this position, it is time to do something about it. Getting your child to sleep in his or her own bed can be a challenge, but the benefits for both you and the child make it worthwhile. Refusal to let the child sleep with you will probably result in a flood of tears and possibly some real tantrums, so you must be prepared and have a strong resolve. Our babies' cries tear at our hearts, but keep in mind the fact that you are doing this for the good of the child (and the rest of the family).

How do you get your child to move out of your bed? The first step is to make it exciting. Perhaps take him shopping for a new nightlight, as waking up alone in the dark can genuinely be frightening. One of the best ways of combating Separation Anxiety is to create routines, and bedtime is no exception. In fact, it is one of the most important routines to set. Perhaps your routine will involve a bath followed by a story in the child's bed. When you have finished, kiss him goodnight and let him know you will be there in the morning before leaving the room. You must resist the urge to give in to repeated requests for water, more kisses, etc., and if your child gets up, you must firmly insist that he return to bed. This is not the time to return and tuck him in all over again.

Some children will go to extraordinary lengths to try and break your will. Of course, they don't do this on purpose--although sometimes it seems like they do! Your child may cry for several hours or even make it through the night without sleeping. If this is the case, do your best to stick to your normal routine the next day, and he will eventually become quite tired at bedtime. If he develops a severe case of insomnia, however, you may need to speak with a therapist. Some children will also cry until they literally vomit. In this case, you should clean up the mess and return the child to bed. Such a reaction may go on for a period of time, but it will dissipate. You do not want to rebuke the child for this physical reaction, but you also should not offer lots of sympathy; as that can encourage such a response to being put in his own bed.

The most difficult aspect of getting your child to sleep in his own bed is also the most difficult, and that is not giving in to the cries and pleas. It may be necessary to sit outside your child's door for a while so he can see you, and that is o.k., but responding to the cries and tantrums is not. In fact, giving in once is going to set your progress back, possibly to the beginning. If he keeps getting out of bed, you may have to lower your voice, crouch to his level and reinforce your command to return to bed. It is difficult to see your child distressed this way, but in the long run, he will become happier and more independent.

When your child wakes the next morning, be sure to point out that you are still in the home, just as you promised you would be. This is fundamental to most aspects of teaching children to move past their Separation Anxiety. When you leave for the grocery store, for example, tell him "goodbye" and let him know you will be back soon. When you do return, point out that you did just as you said you would. The idea is to reinforce for the child that nothing bad is going to happen to you while you are out of his presence. That includes during the sleeping hours of the night!

Learn how to finally beat separation anxiety in your child with The Separation Anxiety Solution at:

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